Returns & Refund Policy
We want you to be fully satisfied with every item that you purchase from If you are not satisfied with an item that you have purchased, you may return the item unopened within 30 days from the order date for a full refund of the purchase price, minus the shipping, handling, or other charges.
The item must be returned, unused or in good condition, in original boxes (whenever possible), and with all paperwork and accessories to ensure full credit.
Credit Card: Credits will be issued to the original charge account when the product is returned within 30 days from the purchase date.
Debit Card: Debit card refunds will be issued to the original charged account within 30 days from the date of purchase.
If you receive a damaged or defective item, contact a Customer Service Representative within 30 days of delivery at 978-850-2347. Please supply the Representative with your order number from your original confirmation e-mail. The Representative will also need your e-mail address and phone number. Purely Green Store will make every reasonable effort to replace the item in a timely manner. We will cover shipping charges if there was damage to the item due to shipping.